We greatly appreciate all donations made to the Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Association of Northern Alberta and we would like to warmly thank you for your interest. Please choose a donation option or phone us at 780-451-6921 to learn more.

Donate via mail at
#400, 11010-101 St
Edmonton, AB T5H 4B9

Donate via phone at 780-451-6921

Donate A Car Canada is now accepting vehicle donations in support of the SBHANA

SkipTheDepot will pick up your bottle depot recycling and donate the proceeds to SBHANA

Your Impact

Spina bifida and hydrocephalus are complex conditions affecting the central nervous system which arises in the first few weeks of pregnancy. SBHANA supports over 250 people with spina bifida and their families in northern Alberta and the Northwest Territories. The first contact is often from worried parents anxious for information and advice after having been told that the baby they are expecting has spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus. The association continues to provide support, information and therapy to families and adults so they can enjoy fulfilling lives, belong to a community that understands and have a support system that covers their needs

All donations made to SBHANA help to support children and adults throughout Northern Alberta who are affected by spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus.

Our Current Fundraiser

The Rogers Birdies for Kids Program has generously offered to match donations made to SBHANA for the Walk and Roll by 50%. SBHANA uses these donations to run programs such as the Support Fund, Camp Freedom, and the much beloved Christmas Party. To have your donation increased by 50% by Shaw Birdies For Kids, click the donation button below and select ‘Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Association of Northern Alberta’.

We are able to send a tax receipt for any donation that is (or is equivalent to) $25 and over. Please fill out the following online tax-receipted donation form. This form can be submitted online, or you can print off the form and send it along with a cheque.

We accept donations in memory of or in honor of individuals and if you provide us with the appropriate details, we can send a card to the family or individual specified. This information can be shared with us via the below form or email.