The SBHANA has many volunteer opportunities throughout the year. They tend to vary with the season since many SBHANA events and fundraisers occur during the summer. Our newsletter and social media are the best ways to keep up to date on our volunteer opportunities.

Current Volunteer Opportunities

Christmas Party Help Needed

Looking for volunteers to assist in helping out at the SBHANA Christmas Party.

Walk and Roll Alberta 2024

Each year we look for volunteers for the Walk and Roll event. We have several roles that need filling for this day of fun and fundraising!

Casino Volunteers Needed

Casinos are a vital way for the Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Association of Northern Alberta (SBHANA) to raise funds that help to operate and deliver strong and viable member programs and services to the northern Alberta spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus community. You are invited to volunteer, and we hope you will consider supporting your local SBHANA!

General Office Help

Looking for volunteers to assist staff with various administrative tasks.

Thank you,

SBHANA is extraordinarily grateful to our team of dedicated volunteers. The work you do—be it ongoing or temporary—is invaluable to us as an organization. Although SBHANA does have paid office staff, the majority of our programs are run by volunteers, and our entire board of directors consists of unpaid volunteers. Thank you so much for choosing to dedicate your time and energy to our organization; we hope that the joy you experience while volunteering is as immense as our gratitude.